Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Movie Review || Homebound 2014

  (this is about 7 months old but hey I'm posting it anyway)

I don't know why, but I had a sudden urge to watch movies again recently (I have a very love/hate relationship with them) so I went for Homebound just because it was in my suggestions on Netflix. Although, I really hate sex/nudity films so with some small exceptions most of the films I 'review' or talk about on this blog won't have sex or nudity in them. 

This is about a woman called Kylie who is a bit of an adrenaline-junkie. She and this male friend (who seemed to just disappear after this one scene) blew up an ATM but she didn't manage to escape on time. Having a lot of previous problems with drugs and alcohol, her punishment is an eight month house arrest with her mother. The worst kind of house arrest, if you ask me. 
Her mother is a very superstitious person and, since Kylie was a little girl, the house has been having some strange happenings. 

There isn't much I can really say about this movie without giving it all away but I found it very entertaining. It was funny but not in (what I would call) a stupid, college-humor kind of way. It was funny from the start to the end. It has minimal gore factor, it mostly happened at the end. 

It was the kind of movie that made fun of home-life and how chaotic some families can be, in a very comedic way. It was dark, and sort of instantly jumped into the plot rather then giving us too long in background story. As far as the plot goes, I would rate it 6/10 because - and much contradictory given what I just said - it wasn't junked up enough, it was a very vague plot-line. 

Overall, in the comedy section, I'd give this movie an 8/10. As a thriller, or a horror, I would give it 6/10.